for Financial Advisors, Healthcare Advocates & Other Concerned Professionals...

Medicare Open Enrollment is Tough.
HeyMOE™ is Easy!

HeyMOE lets me give my clients peace-of-mind about Medicare.

Your clients have a lot of different reasons for not reviewing their Medicare Part D drug coverage during Open Enrollment (Oct. 15-Dec.7).

"It's too time consuming." "I never remember when to do it." "I just don't know how to compare plans."

Regardless of the reason, the result is always the same... Clients who do not review their Medicare coverage throw hundreds — or even hundreds of thousands — of dollars away.

You see... Part D plans can change almost everything about the coverage from year to year, including premiums, deductibles, copays, the medications they cover, pharmacy networks, and more—all while keeping the same plan name! Clients who fail to review their Part D plan options are essentially giving insurance companies a blank check!

But now there’s a better way... It's called HeyMOE™!

Three Great Reasons to Offer HeyMOE Subscriptions to Your Clients:

1. No insurance sales.

HeyMOE is not affiliated with the sale of any insurance products. Our only revenue source is the subscription fees for our HeyMOE reminder and review service. This means you can trust our guidance to be in your client's best interest. We work for them and you— and no one else.

2. Every plan & pharmacy compared.

Once a client enters their prescription medications and sets up their account, HeyMOE automatically compares all their plan and pharmacy options and lets them know which combination saves them the most money.

3. It's Automatic.

Why struggle to remember when Open Enrollment is? HeyMOE automatically runs plan comparisons when it's time. Then, your clients are notified automatically of how much money they'll save by making plan and/or pharmacy changes for next year.

What to expect when you offer HeyMOE to your clients:

Offering HeyMOE to your clients is easy! Just follow these steps:

  1. Determine how many of your clients are enrolled in Medicare Part D prescription drug plans. (Please note: HeyMOE does not currently compare Medicare Advantage plans. If you need help comparing Medicare Advantage plans, please refer to the Open Enrollment services provided through i65.)
  2. Complete the HeyMOE order form at the bottom of this webpage. Through this form, you will tell us what coupon code you'd like us to create for your clients along with how many uses of HeyMOE you'd like. Professionals receive discounts on quantity purchases of HeyMOE.
    » For 10-19 uses of HeyMOE, you'll receive $2 off per use.
    » For 20+ uses, you'll receive $5 off per use.
  3. Watch your email. You'll receive an invoice for your purchase. As soon as the invoice is paid, you'll receive an email notifying you that your coupon code has been activated along with a sample email that you may use tell your clients about their free use of HeyMOE.
  4. Tell your clients about their free use of HeyMOE. Use the email template provided to you by HeyMOE or create your own. Clients simply go to, create an account, enter their prescriptions drugs and then process payment, which will be FREE for them with your coupon code.

That's all there is to it! With HeyMOE, your clients will know their getting the best Medicare drug coverage for their unique needs — potentially saving them thousands of dollars!

Please contact us with any questions or concerns. We're here to help!

Order HeyMOE for your clients now at a discount!

HeyMOE is $30 per client per year.
Orders of 10 or more receive a $2 off discount. Orders of 20 or more receive a $5 off discount.

You will receive a custom coupon code that can be redeemed for your requested number of clients. Your will be invoiced for the number of requested uses. Coupon codes are redeemed for one year of HeyMOE service.

Clients will be asked to provide a credit card for any future years of HeyMOE service when they create an account. Clients who wish to may cancel HeyMOE at any time.

Please contact HeyMOE/65 Incorporated with any questions at 262-240-9860.

PLUS — Join the HeyMOE™ Affiliate Program!

Three reasons to become a HeyMOE affiliate:

1. You Save Time! Comparing Part D drug plans takes time away from other things you could be doing to grow your business and service your clients. With HeyMOE, you'll know your clients are getting Medicare Open Enrollment reminders and plan comparison details they need to save money!

2. Take care of your clients! HeyMOE is not affiliated with the sale of Medicare insurance products... or any insurance products for that matter. It's a fee-only service that is designed with your client's best interest in mind. All Part D plans and all pharmacies within a 10 mile radius are compared to ensure your clients are getting the most cost-effective Part D plan for their unique needs.

3. You make some money! For each HeyMOE sale using your referral code, you'll earn $5. Plus, if the client renews next year, you'll get another $5 affiliate fee. You'll save time, know your clients are well taken care of AND make a little money to boot.