for Medicare and other types of insurance agents...

Medicare Open Enrollment for Part D Plans is Tough and Expensive.
HeyMOE™ is Easy & Let's You Make Money!


Here are three great reasons to join the HeyMOE Affiliate program:


1. You Save Time!


Comparing Part D drug plans takes time away from other things you could be doing to grow your business and service your clients.  With HeyMOE, you'll know your clients are getting Medicare Open Enrollment reminders and plan comparison details they need to save money!

2. Take care of your clients!


HeyMOE is not affiliated with the sale of Medicare insurance products... or any insurance products for that matter.  It's a fee-only service that is designed with your client's best interest in mind.  All Part D plans and all pharmacies within a 10 mile radius are compared to ensure your clients are getting the most cost-effective Part D plan for their unique needs.

3. You make some money!


For each HeyMOE sale using your referral code, you'll earn $5.  Plus, if the client renews next year, you'll get another $5 affiliate fee.  You'll save time, know your clients are well taken care of AND make a little money to boot.

Promotional Text to use to share HeyMOE:

Three Great Reasons to Subscribe to the HeyMOE™ Automated Medicare Open Enrollment Reminder & Review Service:

1. No insurance sales.

HeyMOE is not affiliated with the sale of any insurance products. Our only revenue source is the $30 subscription fee you pay for the annual reminder and review service. This means you can trust our guidance to be in your best interest. We work for you—not insurance companies.

2. Every plan & pharmacy compared.

Once you enter your prescription medications, preferred pharmacies and establish your annual payment, HeyMOE automatically compares all your plan and pharmacy options and lets you know which combination saves you the most money.

3. It's Automatic.

Why struggle to remember when Open Enrollment is or how to compare plans? HeyMOE automatically runs plan comparisons when it's time. Then, you are notified of how much money you'll save by making plan and/or pharmacy changes for next year. It's that easy!

Learn more today at (USE YOUR AFFILIATE LINK).